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Filmi paraqet dramat e rinisë sonë me përpjekjet dhe sakrificat që shpesh janë të kushtëzuara nga problemet ne familje, si dhe egoja apo kokëfortësia personale për të mos u kthyer pas për gjërat që ndodhin. Në qytetin e mbushur plot drogë e alkol me një jetë nate të shthurur, një i ri është i papërgatitur që prej pasionit dhe adrenalinës së momentit me vajzën e gabuar, ngatërrohet me bandat e krimit në qytet. I dhunuar nga ata dhe pa e menduar gjatë rrezikun si dhe përballë faktit për shpëtimin e babait që është në rrezik për jetën, pranon bashkëpunimin me biznesmenin e fortë, I cili ofron çdo gjë vetëm që djali i tij i vetëm, kriminel, t'i largohet kësaj rruge pa krye. Gjatë punëve të pista që bën njëkohësisht kalon dhe netë pafund pasioni me femra derisa vjen dita që dashurohet me vajzën që familja e tij ëndërron. Një dashuri që fillon e kushtëzuar nga mentaliteti familjar.



Drilon Hoxha is an albanian actor born in Berat on June 16 1991, after a few years he and his family moved in Tirana. He attended the artistic high school “ Jordan Misja” for painting and then the University for directing-acting.


In 2008 at the age of 17 he competed for the first time on a TV show “ TI VLEN”. He participated as an imitator where he was evaluated by a jury that noticed his talent on imitation and comedy , he continued this competition until the semi-finals. A few years later at the age of 19 he participates in another show “ GOT TALENT”, again as an imitator but this time his strongest point was beat box which accompanied during the imitation until the finals. The same year he is selected in one of the best comedy shows “PORTOKALLI” with main character Sali Berisha. He worked there for an entire season.


Meanwhile his greatest dream was to make his first film, which came as a comedy “Çimi” where the premiere was held on August 9, 2013. Two years later on October 22, 2015 Drilon Hoxha comes with the first action film in Albania “ Drejt Fundit “ as a director and the starring actor at the same time. 2015 marks the opening of his film production “ D.H production”. In 2018 another production by “ D.H production” "Dashuria S'mjafton" directed and written by Drilon Hoxha and photographed by Dashnor Asllani, brought as an action film intertwined with drama and intrigue. "Shkembimi" is the latest film brought by D.H Production directed and written by Drilon Hoxha, which combines comedy, action and drama. A movie not to be missed.

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